-Efecto de cara con ojos en movimiento.
-Imagen persiguiendo al puntero.
-Botón que al pulsar te lleva a imprimir la página directamente.
-Vínculo que al pasar el ratón por encima salta una ventana emergente.
-Efecto de contador de visitante en la página.
<html lang="es">
<title>Prueba 1305.06</title>
<meta content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="Recuperación" content="Recuperación 1305.06">
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<a href://netscape.com>Netscape</a>.<br>
<a href://microsoft.com>Microsoft</a>
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
var trailLength = 8 // The length of trail (8 by default; put more for longer "tail")
var path = "rollingstones.png" // URL of your image
var standardbody=(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat")? document.documentElement : document.body //create reference to common "body" across doctypes
var i,d = 0
function initTrail() { // prepares the script
images = new Array() // prepare the image array
for (i = 0; i < parseInt(trailLength); i++) {
images[i] = new Image()
images[i].src = path
storage = new Array() // prepare the storage for the coordinates
for (i = 0; i < images.length*3; i++) {
storage[i] = 0
for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { // make divs for IE and layers for Navigator
document.write('<div id="obj' + i + '" style="position: absolute; z-Index: 100; height: 0; width: 0"><img src="' + images[i].src + '"></div>')
function trail() { // trailing function
for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { // for every div/layer
document.getElementById("obj" + i).style.top = storage[d]+'px' // the Y-coordinate
document.getElementById("obj" + i).style.left = + storage[d+1]+'px' // the X-coordinate
d = d+2
for (i = storage.length; i >= 2; i--) { // save the coordinate for the div/layer that's behind
storage[i] = storage[i-2]
d = 0 // reset for future use
var timer = setTimeout("trail()",10) // call recursively
function processEvent(e) { // catches and processes the mousemove event
if (window.event) { // for IE
storage[0] = window.event.y+standardbody.scrollTop+10
storage[1] = window.event.x+standardbody.scrollLeft+10
} else {
storage[0] = e.pageY+12
storage[1] = e.pageX+12
document.onmousemove = processEvent // start capturing
<script src="jseyes.js">
//Script created by Pintér Gábor, http://www.propix.hu
//Visit http://javascriptkit.com for this script
<script class="parapadeo" type="text/javascript">
window.setInterval (BlinkIt, 500);
var color = "red";
function BlinkIt () {
var blink = document.getElementById ("blink");
color = (color == "#ffffff")? "red" : "#ffffff";
blink.style.color = color;
<div id="blink">Nuria</div>
<div id="blink" onclick="parent.location='http://norfipc.com'">
<a href="http://tu-sitio.com"
onmouseover="javascript:alert('Buenos dias a tooooooooooodos!!!!!!!');return false">Vínculo</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ran
ran = Math.round(Math.random()*50000)
document.write("Usted es el visitante " + ran + " de esta página.")
<input type="button" value="Imprime esta página" onclick="window.print()">
<h1>Ejercicios Efectos</h1></br>
<h3>Colores de fondo.</h3>
<div class="caja1">
<h3>Imagen de sustitución.</h3>
<div class="caja2">